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204 days and some hours

That's all. 204 days. It looks like a bigger number than it actually is. But, in these next 200-odd days, we have to get travel arrangements taken care of for the folks who will be part of the wedding party, getting Dani's dress fitted and ordered, figuring out how Streaming works in the context of using it on the website (and how to integrate it), ordering Save the Date cards to be sent out, going to buy the wedding rings themselves in the age of COVID, etc.

On top of all those things, day-to-day life doesn't change overly much. Dani and I still have to go to work, make dinner, clean the house, do chores, and run 2 D&D games every week.

We're moving in the right direction, though. Officiant is booked. Deposit has been placed for our venue (see other post). We have some design decisions for the Save the Date cards.

For friends and family reading this, pass the message along - please. We'd love to be able to message everyone individually and get mailing addresses, but that's just time that we don't have. Please use the RSVP page to get your information into the form so that we can get everything collected in the next couple of months (I'll be shutting off that page around the end of July so we can finalize mailing).

Tempus fugit.

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