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A light at the end of the tunnel

Slowly, but surely, we're starting to see some glimmer of light in the darkness.

For a few months now, we've been trying to figure out finances, new job opportunities, a lease that's ending, buying our first home (largely sight-unseen), and moving across the country.

The finances and job stuff is figured out (mostly). I've accepted an offer that helps us really get ahead and sets us up for a good bit of success. The lease is still done at the end of May. We're working with a mortgage broker and realtor and have 1 pre-approval in-hand and have directed our realtor to make offers on 4 different listings.

Unfortunately, because of the housing market, what we want may not shake out. Housing across the country is absolutely bonkers right now. California is a study in that process being profoundly out of hand. People are showing up, cash in-hand, and paying anywhere from 20-100,000 over the seller's asking price. This puts first-time home buyers are a pretty serious disadvantage.

So, we've got a handful of favorites that we're hoping to get some traction on. But, in the absence of those, new construction is our best bet.

And really, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how this shakes out as long as we have a roof over our heads when we get to California.

I'll get another post written in the coming weeks as we have more information to share.

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