I wanted to take a moment to update folks on the RSVP process and Save the Date cards.
Truth be told, since our announcement, the response has been a very cool 'luke warm' at best (with 28 people requesting). Not sure if it'll change, but from the website analytics that I see every day, it doesn't appear that it'll trend upward significantly.
So, after much deliberation, Dani and I have come to the decision to not move forward with sending out Save the Date cards. It doesn't make sense for us, financially, to order a bunch of cards to send out to 28 people.
I'll likely also remove the password requirement to access the Blog area (which was in-place to keep out bots and people who mine personal information) since the feedback I've gotten is that clicking on a link and putting in a password is difficult.
Not going to lie, between the tepid RSVP and Blog stuff, it's been pretty heartbreaking for Dani and I. We'd hoped that this would be our chance to hear from everyone - but it just hasn't panned out that way.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your understanding.